Od 23.12.2022 (piatok) do 1.1.2023 (nedeľa) je RONA podniková predajňa ZATVORENÁ. Opätovne Vás radi privítame v našej predajni v pondelok 2.1.2023.
Internetový obchod eshop.rona.glass bude naďalej funkčný.
Ďakujeme za pochopenie.
More than 130 years of tradition.
We cooperate with professional artists.
A lot of articles has been written about us.
Official calls and announcements of the company.
Alliance of decorations and technology.
Handmade glassware with decades of experience.
Technology which simulate handmade production.
RONA´s concept glass selections will satisfy all your entertaining needs.
Our handmade lead free cristaline products are individually crafted by glassmakers with decades of experience.
Od 23.12.2022 (piatok) do 1.1.2023 (nedeľa) je RONA podniková predajňa ZATVORENÁ. Opätovne Vás radi privítame v našej predajni v pondelok 2.1.2023.
Internetový obchod eshop.rona.glass bude naďalej funkčný.
Ďakujeme za pochopenie.
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